Frequently Asked IR Questions

Questions frequently asked of our IR staff, with answers.

About BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd.

About the name "BIKE O & COMPANY"

Our company name has two meanings: One is realizing aspirations together with good friends (i.e., "company") who gather at BIKE O. The other is making evolutionary progress under the BIKE O brand toward being a lifelong partner in the motorcycle lifestyle.

  • *Note: Effective September 1, 2012, we changed our company name from IK CO., LTD. to BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd.
When was the company established?

On September 1, 1998. Please refer to History for the history of the company.

Financial Results/Information

On what date is the next financial results announcement scheduled?

We announce our financial results on a quarterly basis. Please refer to the IR Schedule for our financial results announcement schedule.

Where can I view the company's business performance?

Please refer to Business Highlights. It includes graphs of sales, ordinary profit, and more.


On what exchange is the company listed, and what is the securities code?

The Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market, securities code 3377.

How has the stock price been doing?

Please refer to Stock Information. (We will link to Yahoo! finance.)

What are the shareholder dates of record for (interim and year-end) dividends?

May 31 and November 30 of each year.
In order to obtain the right to dividends, one or more shares must be listed in the Shareholder Register on the shareholder date of record. Please complete the procedures upon requesting shares by 3 business days prior* to the shareholder date of record (the final day with rights).

  • *Business exclude Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. For details, please check with your securities company when making the purchase.
Do you have a shareholder benefit system?

We implement shareholder benefits for any shareholder who owns one unit (100 shares) or more of stock as recorded in the company shareholder registry with the base date of November 30. For details, please refer to Shareholders/Dividends.

What is the contact point for stock-related administrative procedures required for changes of address, name, etc.?

Please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, our shareholder registry administrator.
For details including contact information, please refer to Stock Procedures.

Where should I inquire for general procedures related to stock managed in a special account?

Please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, our institution for special account administration.
For details including contact information, please refer to Stock Procedures.

When is the General Meeting of Shareholders?

We hold our Regular General Meeting of Shareholders in late February of each year. For details, please rerefer to General Meeting of Shareholders.

Business Strategy

Do you have any plans at all to expand into the motorcycle-related business domain?

In order to become a BIKE O brand that has the support of many customers for offering everything to do with motorcycles, we aim to expand our peripheral businesses.
As we set forth our vision of being a lifelong partner in the motorcycle lifestyle, our aim is to expand the scale of our business, keeping motorcycle reuse at the core of our business domain, and genuinely integrating wholesale and retail operations while taking on peripheral businesses.

Tell us about your expansion overseas.

Regarding overseas expansion, we are engaging in overseas trade (motorcycle export sales, etc.) in addition to conducting test marketing and other explorations of the possibilities as appropriate. We will continue to prudently consider overseas business deployment, including store openings, and will let you know whenever developments merit a report.