Basic stock information

Basic information

As of November 30, 2024
Stock exchange listing Standard Market (Securities Code: 3377)
Total number of shares authorized for issuance 60,000,000
Total number of shares issued 15,315,600
Number of shares per unit 100
Number of shareholders 8,240
Note: Effective June 1, 2013, the company executed a stock split dividing each share of common stock into 100 shares, and adopted a unit share system in which the trading unit is 100 shares.

Ownership distribution

Ratio of shares
Individuals/others 73.0%
Other domestic corporations 12.5%
Financial institutions 4.5%
Treasury stock 5.2%
Foreign corporations, etc. 1.4%
Financial instruments business operators 3.4%
Shareholder ratio
Individuals/others 99.0%
Other domestic corporations 0.3%
Financial institutions 0.0%
Treasury stock 0.0%
Foreign corporations, etc. 0.4%
Financial instruments business operators 0.3%
As of November 30, 2024

Major shareholders (top-ranked 10)

As of November 30, 2024
Shareholder name Number of shares held Shareholding ratio
Akihiko Ishikawa 3,922,900 shares 27.0%
Yoshihiro Kato 3,059,000 shares 21.1%
K. Co., Ltd. 900,000 shares 6.2%
U.S.S. Co., Ltd. 773,300 shares 5.3%
The Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 665,170 shares 4.6%
Yukari Ishikawa 428,900 shares 3.0%
Nobuko Kato 294,000 shares 2.0%
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. 221,700 shares 1.5%
G-7 Holdings, Inc. 218,500 shares 1.5%
BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd., Employee Stock Ownership Association 214,400 shares 1.5%
Note: BIKE O & COMPANY owns 796,029 shares of treasury stock, but is excluded from the list of major shareholders. The preceding treasury stock figure does not include 553,570 shares of company stock held as trust assets in a trust account of the Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd., associated with the Stock Benefit Trust for Executive Officers (103,570 shares) and the Stock Benefit Trust for Employees (450,000 shares).
Note: Treasury stock amounts are excluded from shareholding ratio calculations.
Note: Shareholding ratio figures have been rounded off to the first decimal place.
Note: Effective June 1, 2013, the company executed a stock split dividing each share of common stock into 100 shares, and adopted a unit share system in which the trading unit is 100 shares.