
Compliance Promotion

We believe promotion and thorough implementation of compliance are the foundations for fulfilling social responsibilities and for realizing a sustainable society. We believe that building a relationship based on trust with stakeholders through thorough adherence of compliance and raising its awareness among all officers and employees under the corporate mission of "We create excitement the world has never seen before" and in becoming a company that is loved for the next 50 and 100 years is of the utmost importance.
The Group has declared BIKE O & COMPANY Charter of Corporate Behavior as an action guideline which all Group officers and employees must adhere to in order to fulfill its social responsibilities; comply with laws, regulations, and social norms; and the realization of a sustainable society. Furthermore, the Group has established compliance guidelines for raising awareness of and thorough adherence to compliance, and is implementing education and training for officers and employees. We are also building, revising, and enhancing our compliance promotion system lead by the person in charge of compliance promotion. Details of the initiatives are reported to the Board of Directors as necessary.

BIKE O & COMPANY Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

We are aware of our company's social responsibilities, and behave as follows for the realization of a sustainable society, complying with laws and regulations in addition to social norms.

1. We will comply with laws, regulations and company rules, in addition to social norms in our business activities, and engage in competition that is fair, transparent, and free.
2. We will engage in active, effective, and fair disclosure of information regarding our business activities and their results as well as engage in constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders.
3. We will acknowledge the importance of environmental issues, and address them actively through efforts including reduction of GHG emissions mainly through the reuse business.
4. We will develop and offer safe, high-quality services based on our superb technology and wealth of experience to raise customer satisfaction and trust.
5. We will conduct management that respects the human rights of all people.
6. We will respect employees'diversity, personality, and individuality, and ensure their health and safe working condition in all aspects of our business activities.
7. We will contribute to societal development while also opening our eyes to a broader perspective on society and deepen our social interaction as a good corporate citizen.
8. We will build an organizational crisis management structure for managing personal information and other information security and in preparation for natural disasters.
9. We will oppose antisocial forces and groups that threaten the order and safety of civil life or corporate activity.
10. We will acknowledge that the realization of this charter is our responsibility and build governance, raise awareness throughout the Group companies, and request understanding in our supply chain. In addition, in case an event that may damage the trust from society occurs, we will strive to solve it, find its cause, and prevent it.

Internal Reporting System

BIKE O & COMPANY Group has established an internal reporting system for the early detection and remedy of wrongdoing, etc. and enhancement of compliance withing the Group. We have also established personnel consulting contact to enable consultation related to concerns and harassments and improve physical and mental health of employees as well as workplace environment.
For the internal reporting system, with the aim of making a convenient system, we have established multiple reporting contact in and outside the company to enable reporting to and consulting with external attorneys and specialized contractors. The reporting and consultation can be made in name or anonymously through e-mail, phone, or post.
We have established a Compliance Hotline Subcommittee for the purpose of ensuring smooth operation of the internal reporting system. The Subcommittee is in charge of research and reporting on the reports and consultations received as well as check on the reporter after a set time to ensure that the reporter does not suffer any disadvantage or retaliation. We ensure that persons related to the system and the Subcommittee observe confidentiality obligations regarding personal information and the content of reports.
The number of reports, their content and response are tracked by the Compliance Hotline Subcommittee. In case any critical faults in the internal control are identified, they are promptly reported to the Risk Management Committee. In addition, if a major misconduct is discovered, prompt measures to remedy the situation and prevent reoccurrence will be implemented by the President.

  • *Exert from internal documents: compliance regulations, internal reporting system regulations, and detailed regulations for the operation of the Compliance Hotline Subcommittee

Elimination of Antisocial Forces

BIKE O & COMPANY Group will remain steadfast and deny any demand from antisocial forces as well as eliminate any relation with such groups.
In addition to the declaration regarding eliminating relationship with antisocial forces and organizations in the BIKE O & COMPANY Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, we have included the explanation in the compliance guidelines as well as formulated a manual for eliminating antisocial forces and a manual for requesting/contracting for audit of antisocial forces. We work to raise awareness and thorough elimination of relationship with antisocial forces through education and training of officers and employees and surveying all new and standing transactions.
In addition, we cooperate with the police, attorneys, and external specialized agencies regarding elimination of antisocial forces to build a system that can respond to unjustified demand from antisocial forces as an organization.

Education and Training for Officers and Employees

BIKE O & COMPANY Group conducts education and training on prevention of harassment and insider trading and other compliance related matters for all officers and employees to prevent compliance violation through training at the time of joining the Company and e-learning.
We also distribute compliance guidelines that describe the compliance that we must adhere to at the time of joining the Company.

Personal Information Protection and Information Security Policy

BIKE O & COMPANY Group believes that proper use and safe management of personal, critical, and other information is one of the most important issues and building relationship of trust with its stakeholders.
BIKE O & COMPANY Group has formulated and operates under various regulations related to critical and personal information based on the Group's personal information protection guidelines and information security policy to properly manage information that are considered to be management resources. To improve security, we also implement relevant systems as well as conduct education and training for offices and employees on compliance to various related laws and regulations in order to prevent leaks, protect, and properly use and manage personal and critical information.

Insider Trading

BIKE O & COMPANY Group has formulated and operates under the critical information management regulations, insider trading management regulations, and stock trading manual to prohibit and prevent insider trading. We place a system that requires officers and employees to make prior application and gain approval when purchasing Company stock as well as conduct education and training on insider trading to prevent its occurrence.
Since the listing on JASDAQ in 2005, there has not been a major violation of insider trading by our Group officers.