IR Policy

Basic Policy

The basic policy of BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd. is for prompt, fair, and accurate disclosure in compliance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, rules on timely disclosure of corporate information by issuers of market-listed securities (Timely Disclosure Rules) , and other laws and regulations on information disclosure, as well as Cabinet Office ordinances on corporate information disclosure.
Moreover, we proactively disclose information that may be useful in understanding our company, even when it is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules. We will listen to the opinions of our customers and work on further improving our IR Information page as we strive make our website a place for interactive communication of information with our shareholders and investors.

Information Disclosure Methods

In carrying out information disclosure that is subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, we comply with the rules, providing the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a prior explanation, then executing the disclosure through the exchange's Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet). After the TDnet disclosure, the information will also be posted on our company website. However, posting of this information to our website is subject to possible delay, depending on conditions affecting our system. Our policy also provides for timely, accurate and fair disclosure of other information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules upon consideration of the significance of its timely disclosure.

Information Disclosed in Individual Meetings with Securities Analysts and Institutional Investors

In meetings held individually with securities analysts and institutional investors, we will make no mention whatsoever of any undisclosed important facts, and will only disclose information that has already been made public through financial announcements, etc., in addition to information concerning our business model, the general industry environment, etc.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent leakage of information that could impact stock prices while we prepare materials for financial report announcements, we have specified a "quiet period" from the account settlement date to the financial report announcement date (including reporting on quarterly results), during which we voluntarily refrain from carrying out IR activities. During this period, we refrain from commenting on the financial results, and from answering questions.
However, if expectations emerge during this quiet period of a major change in our business results forecast, we will announce this publicly in compliance with rules on disclosure. In addition, even during the quiet period, we will respond to questions, etc., keeping within the scope of information that has already been publicly disclosed.